בעין אגדת הירושלמי יפה זלכה
In the Eyes of the Aggadah of the Yerushalmi Yaffa Zilkah
Beit Morasha of Jerusalem 264 pp.
This interesting book explores various midrashim in the Yerushalmi and Babli. The author describes how the angst and immediacy of the midrash in the Yerushalmi becomes with distance and time the more universal pathos of the Bavli. For example, the same midrash in the Yerushalmi tends to have the place name and centers or opens with a mitzvah which is just done in Eretz Yisrael while these elements tend to get lost in the same version in the the Bavli. It is well written and draws much of its inspiration from the writings of Rav Avraham Yitzchak Kook.
Aryeh Shore