Thursday, April 19, 2012

סדר " תענית" כיצד review

סדר " תענית" כיצד  ?
 מסכת תעניות בירושלמי. דרכי עיצוב המסורת ועריכתן.  נורית בארי הוצאת אוניברסיטת בר אילן
   435  pages 

 Exploring Ta'aniot 
Yerushalmi Tractate Ta'aniot - Forming and Redacting the Traditions

This is an excellent book in excellent Hebrew.  Some passages are so well written as to be considered of literary merit by themselves.  I found the observations that the original editing was just grouping braitot and the second stage was a formulistic "ask, answer, why, why" putting the braitot in a form for easy memory very useful.  A particular interesting explanation is given on how the insistence on conserving the original braitot leads to some awkward structures.  Similarly appreciated the explanations of how the prefaces of the sugiahs were place by the editors, explaining why the same sentence appears twice in a section. I believe her use of an excel chart to plot the frequency of Tanaim quoted in each generation is a sort of a first. (However, it the chart did not display any SD bars.)

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